Levi Powers of Alden Hills Organic Farms recently let us know about two full-time job openings offering good pay, benefits, and hands-on experience raising livestock and poultry on pasture. Farm jobs of this caliber for an established, thriving business are rare so we wanted to let you know about them.
The two positions are Livestock Manager and Poultry Manager. Click on the links to read the job descriptions. If you’re interested or know someone who would be, act quickly as Levi is already receiving resumes. You can contact Levi with questions at l.powers8@gmail.com and submit your cover letter and resume to apply.
Alden Hills Organic Farms is located just north of the state line in Walworth, Wisconsin, along Alden Road. This is a livestock operation and offers pasture-raised meats locally and throughout the Chicago area. Business has been booming so much they recently acquired 200 more acres of farmland which they are converting from corn and beans to pasture.
Even if your long-term goal is to have your own farmland, good farm jobs like these can be valuable stepping stones to your ultimate land access success for a grazing enterprise. Here are two reasons why. For starters, first-hand farming experience on someone else’s farm will save you time and money in the future. Fencing, pasture management, herd/flock care, marketing, finances, record keeping – these are all critical skills to develop in farming with animals. Learning by trial and error on your own is an expensive, frustrating way to gain those skills.
Working under a skilled and experience farmer, on the other hand, will give you a jump start on learning the whole package and help you better understand what kind of farming for which you are most suited. All of that will make your farmland search better focused and more successful.
Second, socking savings away from a good job will give you more options when it comes time for you to buy land, equipment, and animals.
P.S. Alden Hills Organic Farms has, in our opinion, one of the best farm email newsletters out there for down-to-earth and big-picture insights into the regenerative grazing world. We encourage you to sign up for it by visiting their website.